This week, Yekta Kopan hosted Serdar Kuzuloğlu and Elçin Karatay on Yarının Dünyası (The World of Tomorrow). Alongside the decentralization and transparency of blockchain and how it can shape our future, its legal aspects have been dealt with as well.
Privacy or transparency?
According to Kuzuloğlu, some compromises on privacy are made in order to receive a better service. “In the future, the core of the matter may be the trust relationship between the stakeholders sharing privacy rather than confidentiality. There comes law into play,” he said.
Elçin Karatay touched upon the fact that the technology needs to be clearly defined so that we can respond to this issue. She expressed that there must be a global definition and practice, and in this regard, Turkey is in a better position than most countries in the world.
While discussing how the pandemic affected the technology industry, Kuzuloğlu mentioned that Turkey gave a good account of itself in this challenging period. He added: “Even though it was in the sense of e-trade, Turkey proved that the digital industry was built on a strong foundation. Despite the fact that some problems exist, everything is accessible in Turkey including the most remote locations.”
On this topic, Karatay stated that he works with a lot of technology companies and all of their schedules are getting busier and busier. “The concept called digital transformation spread unexpectedly. Even the companies whose agendas did not include this at first were forced to do so,” he said and added that the technological practices of Turkey, the ones in the banking industry, in particular, sets a good example abroad.
Are we ready for decentralization?
Regarding the decentralization and transparency in blockchain, Kuzuloğlu referred to the importance of the address in cryptocurrency wallets not being associated with the individual. He underlined that even though this is a strong protection method, it is possible to be victimized due to forgotten passwords and continued his words:
“The cryptocurrencies kept in the wallets whose password is forgotten will never be accessible. There is an emission there, there is money without any owner.”
Karatay touched upon the fact that when we view it from this viewpoint, there may be doubts about whether being prepared or not for decentralization and drew attention that in some cases, the questions such as “Would it be better with a centralized authority?” may arise.
You can watch the full episode, where the pandemic, blockchain, privacy, transparency, confidentiality and many more topics were discussed, from the link below.
Bu içerik en son 26 October 2022 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.